Projects And Published Results
Our lab members participate in the projects implementation, financed from European, national, and provincial funds. The lab members were involved into implementation of these projects
Support the DEveloPment of a sustAinable spoRts Tourism in Europe
The growth of sport tourism shows no sign of slowing down: it is the fastest-growing segment within the travel industry (Parker, 2019). According to Neirotti (2003), sports tourism can be broadly described as «Including travel away from one’s primary residence to participate in sports activity, for recreation or competition purposes, travel to observe sport at grassroots or elite level, and travel to visit a sports attraction such as a sports museum, for instance». The impacts of sports tourism and in particular of the organization of major events, tend to create also side effects on the destinations. For example, in the case of sports events, several extra trips are created which – often- is incompatible with the capacity of the transport systems (Rubert, 2010). Another particularity of these events is that they are temporary and therefore any planning decisions need to be based on fixed end-date solutions.
DEPART’s focus is on the development of sustainable sports tourism that builds on the competitive advantages of the involved regions. The project will investigate good practices in sports tourism with regards to(Knop,1987) (i) pure sports holidays, such as skiing in the mountains, marathons, etc (ii) traveling to a resort, where the site has sports facilities, such as fitness equipment, and an outdoor environment, (iii) unorganized sports activities, allowing tourists to participate freely during the tourism process, such as beach volleyball, rock climbing, river tracing, etc. The GPs will be looking at a four dimensions typology of sustainable sports tourism: economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, socio-cultural sustainability, and institutional sustainability. The ultimate goal of DEPART is to assist regions in creating strategies that build upon existing and potential areas of competitive advantage, avoiding fragmentation and insularity, and linking and leveraging the social sports tourism assets in new and different ways that meet the SDGs objectives.
Paper published based on the project results:
- Matić, R. M., Milovanović, I. M., Banjac, B., & Kostas, A. (2024). Sports tourism: Thematic analysis of the challenges in Vojvodina. Exercise and Ouality of Life 2024,16(3):A5.
The main task of the project was to establish a strategic partnership with the unity of three universities for the purpose of unified sports management education. In fact, developing the curriculum for sports manager education, preparing e-learning materials, educating teachers, and creating an e-learning platform were priorities of the project. The possibilities of the created e- learning platform will be benefitted based on the 21st century’s teaching methodology principles and experiential teaching. In this way, tests and questions will be used to control the internalization of knowledge, individual and group telework assignments and competitions will be created, and group forums will be provided to secure interactive distance learning between instructors and students. Duration: 2020-2023
Paper published based on the project results:
- Stelmach, M., Paár, D., & Matić, R. (2023). International co-operation of higher education institutions for the innovation and exchange of good practices in sport management: the MOSMEN educational project. Health Problems of Civilization, 17(2), 103-105.
Sport Against Violence and Exclusion (SAVE)
Sport Against Violence and Exclusion (SAVE), a project cofounded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union, seeks to prevent violent and socially exclusive behaviors through physical activity. The current editorial shows a range of possible interpretations of these two phenomena from both a psychological and sociological point of view, offering helpful methods to coaches who train children (ages 6 to 12) in grass-root sport clubs. Duration: January 2018-2020. Papers publish based on project results:
- Milovanović, I., Gentile, A., Gutović, T., Kezić, A., Matošić, D., Kreivytė, R., Valantine, I., Daidone, G., Bianco, A., Radjo, D., Obradović, B., & Drid, P. (2020). Prosocial and Aggressive Behavior Occurrence in Young Athletes: Field Research Results in Six European Countries. Sustainability, 12(12), 5085.
- Milovanović, I. (2021). Youth Sport between Social Exclusion and Inclusion – SAVE project in Serbian context [Abstract]. In. S. Pišot & K. Teraž (Eds.), The Lockdown Aftermath, The Book of Abstract (pp. 48-49). Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia
- Gentile, A., Milovanovic, I., Valantine, I., Kreivyte, R., Tilindiene, I., Mujkic D., Adinovic, A., Kesick, A., Drid, P., Obradovic, B., Korovljev, D., Bianco, A., & Boca, S. (2020). Violence, exclusion and the role of children and adolescents moral features in the sport domain: The save project. Acta Medica Mediteranea, 35(3), 1681–1683.
- Milovanović, I., Gentile, A., Bianco, A., & Boca, S. (2021). “Governing” Peer Violence in Youth Sport: The Cases of Italy and Serbia [Abstract]. In S. Šalaj & D. Škero (Eds.), 9th Scientific Conference in Kinesiology (pp. 518). University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia
- Milovanović, I., Roklicer, R., & Drid, P. (2019). The Relation Between Youth Sport and the Reduction of Peer Violence. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 479–490.
WE CARE – With Establishment of National Care and development centers we support elite Athletes in balancing their sports and education/employment Results
The General Objective of the project is to improve Dual career support in less developed member States and member State candidates and provide Guidelines to other EU countries how to do the same thus contributing to Collaborative partnership priority: Promote education through sport with special focus on skills development as well as support the implementation of the EU guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes.
Youth Sport in the Grip of the COVID-19 epidemic- drop out and its consequences
Bilateral project between Slovenia and Serbia (Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad). The aim of the project was to determine the impact of government measures ‘locking up sports for young people’ during the COVID-19 pandemic on specific psychosocial dimensions and on the physical condition of young athletes. The research will be conducted through a mixed plan (quantitative and qualitative), and it includes the implementation of online surveys of coaches and athletes, as well as fox-group discussions with young athletes. At the same time, the data can be compared with compatible data obtained in other countries. We have the opportunity to compare the views of coaches on this topic, which provide a common insight into the changes and challenges that young athletes, coaches and clubs have faced due to restrictive measures due to COVID-19. Duration: 2023-2025.
Papers published based on project results:
Milovanović, I.M., Matić, R.M., Banjac, B., Pišot, S. (2024). Winners or losers? Two academic years in experiences of COVID-19 pandemic, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 00-00. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0302
COST Action “Determinants of Physical ActivitieS in Settings” (DE-PASS)
The COST Action «Determinants of Physical ActivitieS in Settings» (DE-PASS) focus on identifying, understanding and measuring the determinants which promote, maintain or inhibit Physical Activity Behaviours (PABs) across the lifespan and in different settings. It will translate this knowledge to assist policy-makers to achieve greater health impact. Duration 2020-2024;
COST Action 20115 - European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice (ENIS):
The Action brings together established researchers, early-career investigators (ECIs) and PhD students from different scientific disciplines, countries, and research communities as well as stakeholders from international offices, international student, and study abroad organizations, and different policy levels. The Action will offer comparative and practical insights into ISM dynamics by bringing fragmented knowledge together, with the main aim of generating new interdisciplinary and innovative empirical perspectives on the phenomenon and translating these into tangible recommendations for stakeholders. Duration: 2021-2025;

Developing future sports entrepreneurs in Europe: university education to promote entrepreneurial intentions in sports science students
The aim of the project was to investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of sports science students in different European countries. This meant determining the key factors of the future entrepreneurial behavior of sports science students, i.e., their willingness to create or start their own business in one of the sports industry sectors. Duration: 2021-2024. Papers publish based on project results:
- HuertasGonzález-Serrano, , Valantine, I., Matić, R., Milovanović, I., Sushko, R., Calabuig, F. (2023). Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions in European sports science students: Towards the development of future sports entrepreneurs. European Research on Management and Business Economics. 29. 100229. 10.1016/j.iedeen.2023.100229.
- Matic, R.M., Gonzalez-Serrano, M.H., Damnjanović, J., Maksimovic, B., Papić-Blagojević, N., Milošević, I., Vuković, J. (2022). Professional competencies development of sports science students: the need for more entrepreneurship education. Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society, Issue s1 (October 2022)426 – 448. DOI:
- Janković, U., Matić, R.M., Milovanović, I.M., Vuković, J., Imbronjev, M. (2022). Factors of Entrepreneurial Intentions: the Case of Sports Science Students in Novi Sad. Baltic Journal of Sport & Health Sciences, 126(3), 16–28. DOI:

The importance of the promotion of sports entrepreneurship: an analysis of the entrepreneurial intentions of sports science students
The project goal was the examination of the entrepreneurial intentions of students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad and their willingness/unwillingness to accept the entrepreneurial concept of behavior after completing their studies.This project results indicated the direct and indirect relations between the characteristics of student entrepreneurial skills, future entrepreneurial behavior and their entrepreneurial intentions.As such, it enabled the review of factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions among students and the potential realization of their ideas in the sports industry. Duration: 2020-2021. Papers publish based on project results:
- Matić, R.M. (2021). The importance of the promotion of sports entrepreneurship: an analysis of the entrepreneurial intentions of sports science students at University of Novi Sad. Abstracts from International Scientific Conference „Novelties in Sport Sciences“, Novi Sad, Serbia, 11 September 2021 (pp. 13). BMC Proceedings, 15(Suppl 14): doi: 10.1186/s12919-021-00227-2.
- Matic, R.M., Gonzalez-Serrano, M.H., Damnjanović, J., Maksimovic, B., Papić-Blagojević, N., Milošević, I., Vuković, J. (2022). Professional competencies development of sports science students: the need for more entrepreneurship education. Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society, 17(3). (in press)
- Janković, U., Matić, R. M., Milovanović, I. M., Vuković, J., & Imbronjev, M. (2022). Factors of Entrepreneurial Intentions: the Case of Sports Science Students in Novi Sad. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 3(126), 22-34.

Peer violence in children and youth sport
The goal of the project was to determine the existence and emerging forms of peer violence in children’s and youth sports on the territory of AP Vojvodina.The sample consists of 536 children from Vojvodina villages, suburban and urban areas, whose sports experience ranges from one to more than ten years.We are talking about children of older primary and secondary school age.The results of the project show that the majority of children (57.4%) do not think that there is aggression and violence in the sport they play.The most common forms of psychological violence are teasing, gossiping, mocking, and it is more common among girls than boys.They also pointed to emerging forms of violence: teasing, mocking and insults against the child-victim, based on physical appearance, lower financial status, lack of talent for sports or expressed talent for sports, which is why that child is favored by the coach. Duration: 2019-2020. Papers publish based on project results:
- Matić, R. M., Milovanović, I. M., Banjac, B., Šošo, B. M., Vuković, J., Gentile, A., & Drid, P. (2022). Youth Athletes’ Perception of Existence and Prevalence of Aggression and Interpersonal Violence and Their Forms in Serbia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1479.
- Milovanović, I., Matić, R., Vuković, J., Blagojević, M., Mikić, M., & Marinković, D. (2020). Towards recognition of peer violence in youth sports – the case of Vojvodina. Exercise and Quality of Life, 12(1), pp. 21-28.
- Banjac, B., Milovanović, I. M., Matić, R. M., Giovanni, E. D., Vuković, J. (2020). Aggression and Peer Violence Manifestation in Youth Sport – The Case Study. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 10(12).

Everyday life of students in the extraordinary social circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative study
The project was related to possible changes in the daily lives of students in extreme social circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It involved researching the impact of the pandemic on the daily lives of students, i.e., identifying and analyzing changes in habits and ways of adapting to these extreme social circumstances. The aim was to compare the impact and ways of adapting the student population depending on various factors (study profile, sports status, gender, country of study).
- Milovanović, I., Maksimović, N., Matić, R., & Banjac, B. (2023). Well-being as a strength of sports science students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Health Problems of Civilization, 17(3), 197-206,
- Banjac, B., Milovanović, I. M., Pišot, S., Matić, R. M., Popović, S., Radenović, S. S., & Drid, P. (2023) Exploring the Well-Being of Slovenian and Serbian Sport Science Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic of Summer 2022. Sports, 11(2), 40.
- Milovanović, I. M., Banjac, B., & Matić, R. M. (2023). Understanding Retrospectively the Student’s Everyday Life in COVID-19 – Serbian and Slovenian Case [Abstract]. In K. Teraž & S. Pišot (Eds.), Change the Game – A Modern Way Back to the Roots, The Book of Abstract (pp. 81-82). Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia
- Banjac, B., Milovanović, I. M., & Matić, R. M. (2023). Assessing the University Students’ Well-Being After Two Years From the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak [Abstract]. In K. Teraž & S. Pišot (Eds.), Change the Game – A Modern Way Back to the Roots, The Book of Abstract (pp. 38-39). Science and research centre Koper, Slovenia
Our Lab members are intensively cooperating with colleagues from abroad. The results of cooperation are visible through numerous scientific articles published in prominent scientific journals:
- Matić, R.M.., Todorović, N., Milovanović, I.M.., Štajer, V., Banjac, B., Popović, S. & Manojlović, M. Sports event quality and athlete’s behavioural intentions at the World Wrestling Championship. Management & Marketing, 2024, Sciendo, vol. 19 no. 3, pp. 419-440.
- González-Serrano, M. H., Valantine, I., Matić, R., Milovanović, I., Sushko, R., & Calabuig, F. (2023). Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions in European sports science students: Towards the development of future sports entrepreneurs. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 29(3), 100229.
- Pišot, S., Milovanović, I., Šimunič, B., Gentile, A., Bosnar, K., Prot, F., Bianco, A., Lo Coco, G., Bartoluci, S., Katović, D., Bakalár, P., Kovalik, T. S, Tlučáková, L., Casals, C., Feka, K., Christogianni, A., & Drid, P. (2020). Maintaining everyday life praxis in the time of COVID-19 pandemic measures (ELP-COVID-19 survey). European Journal of Public Health, 30(6), 1181–1186.
- Pišot, S., Šimunič, B., Gentile, A., Bianco, A., Lo Coco, G., Pišot, R., Drid, P., & Milovanović, I. (2022). The differences of Slovenian and Italian daily practices experienced in the first wave of covid-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health, 22, 326 (2022).
- Štajer, V., Milovanović, I., Todorović, N., Ranisavljev, M., Pišot, S., & Drid, P. (2022). Let’s (Tik) Talk About Fitness Trends. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 899949.
- Matic, R. M., Milovanović, I. M., Valantine, I., Alexandris, K., & Popovic, S. (2022). Editorial: “Effective strategies for promoting health-enhancing children’s physical activity”. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 964316.
- Pišot, S., Milovanović, I., Katović, D., Bartoluci, S., & Radenović, S. S. (2022). Benefits of active life in student experiences during COVID-19 pandemic time. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 971268.
- Gentile, A., Milovanović, I., Pišot, S., Bianco, A., & Lavanco, G. (2022). Moral Disengagement in Youth Athletes: A Narrative Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 7(2), 33.
- Milovanović, I., Matić, R., Alexandris, K., Maksimović, N., Milošević, Z., & Drid, P. (2021). Destination Image, Sport Event Quality, and Behavioral Intentions: The Cases of Three World Sambo Championships. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(7), 1150-1169.
- Vuković, J., Matić, R. M., Milovanović, I. M., Maksimović, N., Krivokapić, D., & Pišot, S. (2021). Children’s Daily Routine Response to COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Serbia. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, 656813.
- Mitić, P., Nedeljković, J., Bojanić, Ž., Franceško, M., Milovanović, I., Bianco, A., & Drid, P. (2021). Differences in the Psychological Profiles of Elite and Non-elite Athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635651.
- Lo Coco, G., Gentile, A., Bosnar, K., Milovanović, I., Bianco, A., Drid, P., & Pišot, S. (2021). A Cross-Country Examination on the Fear of COVID-19 and the Sense of Loneliness during the First Wave of COVID-19 Outbreak. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2586.
- Popovic, S., Pekovic, S., & Matic, R. M. (2019). Research Quality Evaluation in Social Sciences: The Case of Criteria on the Conditions and Requirements for Academic Promotion in Serbia, Slovenia and Montenegro. Montenegrin Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 8(2), 55-62.
- Liu, Z., Liu, Y., Agudamu, Bu, T., Matic, R., Corilic, D., Casaru, C., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Association between evergrande FC’s club debt and Chinese super league’s profitability from 2014 to 2019. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 1095250.
- Sunda, M., Gilic, B., Sekulic, D., Matic, R., Drid, P., Alexe, D. I., Cucui, G. G., & Lupu, G. S. (2022). Out-of-School Sports Participation Is Positively Associated with Physical Literacy, but What about Physical Education? A Cross-Sectional Gender-Stratified Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic among High-School Adolescents. Children, 9(5), 753.
- Matic, R. M. (2022). Marketing Concept in Elite Team Sports Clubs in Serbia: Impact of Leadership Styles, Organizational Learning Culture, and Climate for Innovation. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11(1), 71-80.
- Jakšić, D., Trbojević, J. J., Maričić, S., Miçooğullari, B. O., Sekulić, D., Foretić, N., Bianco, A., & Drid, P. (2022). Mental skills in Serbian handball players: In
relation to the position and gender of players, Frontiers in psychology, 13, 960201. - Masanovic, B., Popovic, S., Jarani, J., & Matic, R. M. (2023). Editorial: Physical activity and lifestyle sustainability: From childhood to old age. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1097451.
- Matić, R. M., Maksimović, N., Imbronjev, M., Vuković, J., & Banjac, B. (2021). Age and Gender as a Factor of Practicing the Physical Activity, Physical Form Level and Screen Time of Children During Covid19 Emergency Measures: The Case Study of Vojvodina [Abstract]. In S. Pišot, & K. Teraž (Eds.), The Lockdown Aftermath, The Book of Abstract (pp. 87-88). Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia
- Popovic, S., Zarubica, M., Vukovic, J., & Matic, R. M. (2021). Attitudes and Preferences of Students in Sports Science Concerning the Use of E-Learning and Social Media at the University of Novi Sad. Sport Mont, 19(2), 11-15.
- Popovic, S., Bjelica, D., Zarubica, M., Pekovic, S., & Matic, R. (2021). Attitudes of Sport Organization Officials toward Links between the Sports Sector, Sports Industry, and Knowledge Organizations with Innovations in Montenegrin Sport. Sport Mont, 19(2), 95-100.
- Matić, R.M.., Todorović, N., Milovanović, I.M.., Štajer, V., Banjac, B., Popović, S. & Manojlović, M. Sports event quality and athlete’s behavioural intentions at the World Wrestling Championship. Management & Marketing, 2024, Sciendo, vol. 19 no. 3, pp. 419-440.
Collaboration and Partnerships:
Sports Management and Sociology Lab actively collaborates with academic institutions, government agencies, sports organizations, and community groups. We believe in the power of collaboration to advance knowledge and address real-world issues.
Our partners
Sports Management and Sociology Lab is supported for its research activities by in-house endowments and by several national and international partners from Serbia, Western Balkans and Europe. Besides permanents support we receive from our major institution (Faculty of Sport and Physical Education), we are also covered by governmental and non-governmental scientific foundations through multi-year projects.